Monday, August 29, 2011

Well lookie there- delicious treats.

Why is it that in the first two weeks of this weight loss challenge, there have been more delicious desserts surrounding me than ever before? Just sayin'.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fabulous Fit Five!!!

We are excited to announce that we are no longer the Fabulous Fit Four. We've added Sue Nuttall to the competition, and now the stakes are even higher!! $100 dollars to the winner! That buys quite a bit of stylin' clothing! Sue is one determined woman, so it's guaranteed she's going to be hard to beat. Watch out ladies! The race is on! (And pretty soon our legs will look like the ones in the picture!)

The Fabulous Fit Five

The First Week

Well that was it- the first week of a long journey. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we probably all feel like whining a little bit. I know I do. Some days, you just need a bowl of ice cream, right?

Not us though- not the Fabulous Fit Four. When it comes to goals, we are the masters. Don't get between us and our goals. I wouldn't call us competitive jerks, but we have more determination than both of these kids combined.

Now, from time to time, we are going to feel like this poor guy. It's not that he didn't prepare for the challenge ahead, it's simply a matter of having chicken legs when thunder thighs are the optimum tool for the task at hand. We will all fall short occasionally, but we will pick ourselves right back up- hopefully without sustaining sever facial injuries.

Discouragement. It's a doozy, that one. After getting our faces smashed into seemingly unsurmountable obstacles, we are all probably going to have a shoulder angel moment with this judgmental baldie. No matter. Simply use the words of a very wise man; "Begone, or however I get rid of you."

We all did our best, and should be very proud of ourselves. It's a new week, and it's going to be hot!!! Don't get too close to the flames because we are BURNING calories!!!!!!

The Fabulous Fit Four

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Extreme Makeover: Awesome Edition

Dear Fat,
I'm sorry to say this, but this is the end of the road for us. We are all quite tired of spending every waking (and sleeping) minute with you. That is why the four of us; Denise, Shannon, Elise, and Railee, will spend the next few months until Christmas getting you off our backs (literally). Whoever has the highest percentage of weight loss by then wins. We are each chipping in 20 dollars, and whoever wins gets the 80 dollars to buy some new clothes for their skinny, rockin' new body. Take that, fat! That's right! Get packing, because you won't be here for long.
The Fabulous Fit Four