Monday, September 12, 2011


We have another new member!!! Bethany Nyholm! Welcome to the fitness challenge! This just keeps getting to be more and more fun!!! :) Bethany has some crazy little monkeys she has to run around after all day long, so she will definitely be burning lots of calories doing that! Be prepared to be passed up ladies!! (Well, unless we pass on that cheesecake.)
In other news- Railee has proven herself to be infinitely more clever than myself, and we will now be calling ourselves by her wonderfully witty alliteration: The Simmerin' Slim Seven! I am liking this group more every minute. :)

The Simmerin' Slim Seven

Day 1

From Lisa Kent:

Starting weight: 144.4

Estimated calories eaten: 1740

Workout: 20 minutes walking/jogging on treadmill (total distance: 1.2 miles)

The Newbie. Lisa Kent.

Hey! I'm Lisa Kent! Elise said I could join you all in this lovely challenge. I'm excited for this but I am worried I won't have a lot of time to work out. I'm a full time student and I work part time. I do a lot of sitting so hopefully having this little support group will help me make the time to be active and eat healthy! Thanks folks!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Member!!!

Joining the ranks of the Fabulous Fit Five........  Drumroll please.......    Lisa Kent!!!  We will now be known as the Fabulous Fit Females! We're excited to have another member!!! One more joining the race to put fat in it's place. Lisa is a classy lady and a hard worker, so watch out!!! The moola is now up to $120!! That kind of dough can buy one of us a lot of stylin' clothing! (Provided we lay off the cookie dough.) ;)

The Fabulous Fit Females